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Biblio Psychotherapy  
  1. "Authentic Happiness", Martin SELIGMAN, 2002, Free Press, Simon & Schuster (New York)

  2. "I don´t want to talk about it : overcoming the secret legacy of male depression", Terrence REAL, 1997, Simon & Schuster, Inc. (New York)

  3. "Radical honesty : how to transform your life by telling the truth", Brad BLANTON, 1996, Dell Publishing (New York)

  4. "After the Affair : Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust when a Partner has been Unfaithful", Janis Abrahms Spring, Ph. D.,1996, HarperCollins (New York)


  5. "How can I forgive you? The courage to forgive, the freedom not to", Janis ABRAMS SPRING, Ph D, 2005, Perennial Currents - HarperCollins (New York)

  6. "Resolving sexual abuse: solution-focused therapy and Ericksonian hypnosis for adult survivors", Yvonne M. DOLAN, 1991, W.W. Norton (New York)

  7. "My voice will go with you: the teaching tales of Milton H. Erickson", Sidney ROSEN, MD, 1991, W.W. Norton, Inc. (London, New York), Norton paperback edition; traduit en français

  8. "La gestion de soi", Jacques VAN RILLAER, 1992, Ed. Mardaga (Sprimont, Belgique)

  9. "Internal Family System Therapy", Richard C. Schwartz, 1995, The Guilford Press (New York, London);  traduit en français

  10. "Social Intelligence: the new science of human relationships", Daniel GOLEMAN, 2006, Bantam Dell-Random House (New York)

  11. "Comment gérer les personnalités difficiles", François LELORD & Christophe ANDRE, 2000, Ed. Odile Jacob (Paris)

  12. "Disarming the narcissist : Survinving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed", Wendy T. Behary, 2008, New Harbinger Publ.


  13. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: restoring the character ethic", Stephen R. COVEY (, 2004, Free Press - Simon & Schuster
    (New York). traduit en français: "Les 7 habitudes de ceux qui réalisent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent", 2005, Ed. First (Paris)

  14. "Les cycles de l'identité : comment se développent nos compétences tout au long de notre vie", Pamela LEVIN, 2008, InterEditions - Dunod (Paris)


  15. "The Gift of Therapy: an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients", Irvin D. YALOM, MD, 2001, HarperCollins Publishers (New York)


  16. "The Highly Sensitive Person  : How to Thrive when the World Overwhelms You"
    Elaine N. ARON, Ph. D. , 1999.