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Biblio Couples
Biblio Psychotherapy
Biblio Neuroscience
Biblio Parenting
Biblio EMDR
Biblio Group Therapy
Biblio Voice Dialogue

Biblio Parenting  
  1. "Giving the love that heals : a guide for parents", Harville HENDRIX and Helen HUNT, 1997, Simon & Schuster Inc. (New York)

  2. "Your competent child : toward new basic values for the family", Jesper JUUL, 2001, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (New York). Translated from Danish.

  3.  Val MULLALLY:
     CDs on  parent/child relationships, available via her website
    "Meeting your child's deepest emotional needs"
    "Managing anger in the home"

    "Dealing with discipline"
    "Helping children cope in the real world"